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Know the Issues

The need for educational support concerning children of color in Bexar County is critical. Here are just a few of the issues.

Disciplinary Action

Children of color in Bexar County, particularly Black males, are often punished more harshly and more frequently than their peers despite similar behavior. Alternative education programs are comprised of 14% Black students which is double their share of the overall student enrollment. Hispanic students are slightly over-represented relative to the overall enrollment, while White students are underrepresented.

Source: Texas Education Agency
State of the African American Community in Bexar County

Home School
Boys at School

Reading Skills

In Bexar County, students begin taking the STAAR test in the third grade. Only 40% of Black and 41% of Hispanic students meet or exceeded the grade level standard in reading, compared to 71% of Asians and 63% of Whites. These data trends for the test remained constant throughout elementary through high school.

Source: Texas Education Agency

College Preparedness

SAT exams evaluate students' proficiency in reading, writing, and math. This exam is critical to the continuing educational success of young people of color as it plays a significant role in determining college admission and scholarship awards. In Bexar County, the average SAT Total Score in 2022 for Blacks (926) and Hispanics (936) students were among the lowest groups, while Asian (1144) and White (1076) were among the highest. This trend gap has continued to worsen since 2018.

Source - Texas Education Agency

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